Saturday, October 17, 2009

He's Back!

Eddie Izzard is back on the road in the U.K. Here's a reminder of his genius, "Cake or Death" with some visual assistance from Lego characters. The You Tube link also takes you through to other Lego interpretations of Izzard's work.


Span Ows said...


He almost seesm respectable these days although I doubt his show will be.

There are some lego greats online, also some great "shorts" one was Lord of The Rings short version (could be lego too???), basiclaly they get the Ring and fly on one of those giant eagles and drop the ring in the lava...end.

Span Ows said...

sorry, should be hehehe (still got my Spanish head on).

Paul said...

I quite like jejeje!

The thing that gets me about the Lego characters is their faces - they just look so cool.