Sunday, February 18, 2007

What do we want?
When do we want it?
Um, we're not quite sure, perhaps after we've written to the Daily Mail or posted hundreds of threads on the BBC 5LIve News Site.
No - we can't really be bothered.

I'm rarely embarrassed to be English. Major Football Championships are one case obviously, trying to communicate in a Foreign language only to be greeted by a response in perfect English is another. The biggest single embarrassment is caused when people have the choice to voice their opinions but don't bother.

All people had to do was to log on to the Downing Street website and register their objection to road pricing. Is it that sodding difficult? I mean log on to see Britney's shaven haven or Rooney's chip against Portsmouth or download the latest album by Norah Jones and it's no problem. But get actively involved in voicing your opinion in a tangible way forget it.

One and a half million people have registered. All you had to do was enter your e-mail addy and your house address, you know the same thing you do everything your order something over the net.

No wonder the Americans believe Europe is dying, I do too. What were people afraid of? Boogie men crawling out of there computer in the dead of night and murdering them?

I noticed the other day that somebody asked the fairly reasonable question, will road pricing by New Labour's Poll Tax? No fucking chance. Rather than turn-up in Trafalgar Square or march down Whitehall the great chattering classes will be at their keyboards discussing it on a sodding message board.

Paul Weller wrote twenty six years ago "The public gets what the public wants," he was right then and he's right now - we want to the right to moan, the right to gather anonymously on message boards behind pseudonyms and get all excited for the time it takes us to type in our user name and password - but give us the chance to express our discomfort with Government and we look the other way.

Those people who support the opposition parties, and to be honest some Labour voters, have spent the last couple of years moaning about Blairs style of leadership, the Big Brother style of Government (that's a Government of intervention not one where you lock people up in a house and expose them to public voting for ten weeks), the fact that non-Labour voters don't get the chance to not elect Gordy as the next President, sorry Prime Minister. They get the chance to just register some disquiet and they blow it.

I'm so angry, so disappointed, so lost in my utter contempt for the millions of motorists who would rather wank than vote from their keyboards.

People can, and undoubtedly will, say what difference does it make? He'll do what he wants regardless. If you think that for a second then you are missing the point by so far you don't even deserve a vote in the next General Election. Throw away your electorates card when it arrives, you don't deserve it.

People are dying as we speak in Iraq and Afghanistan and Israel in the name of democracy. Car Price Charging might not involve dying at the roadside but it was because people were prepared to die on foreign soil that we have the right to press a button and say no.

I accept of course that there will be drivers out there who believe that road pricing is a good thing, that we only have one planet and we should do all we can to protect it. I agree wholeheartedly but where were those green leanings five years ago when there were oil refinery blockades, where were those green leanings a few weeks ago when people were crying "stealth tax" and "Greedy Gordon." I can accept that some people will willingly pay more for their groceries, well do you honestly believe big business will absorb the extra costs, but what I can't acccept is that out of more than twenty million car owners only 0.075% think this is a just and fair tax.

I'll calm down by the morning (possibly) but at the moment I feel ashamed to be English and it's a strange feeling to feel ashamed to be English and not be able to blame Frank Lampard*.

*That's only there to wind-up Sarnia should she be passing!


Paul said...

No it's not Frank's fault - poor bloke is the scapegoat for McLaren now that Sven's gone. 300 goals a season from midfield can't be bad. :-)

Paul said...

I feel the same about Arse and Spuds - when those two meet I feel sorry for the ball.