There's a wonderful rumour circulating in the football world that Graham Poll is to retire after refereeing the Championship Play-Off match at Wembley between West Brom and Derby* later this month. That's despite the fact that Poll hasn't actually tendered his resignation to the Premiership Referees Limited, or whatever it's called, that employs him in accordance with the three month notice he is supposed to give.
But, it gets better. In his usual puffed-up style of going about things dear Graham won't be trudging off the pitch at the end of the game and driving quietly home, tuning in to 6-0-6 to hear Alan Green slagging him off again. No sirree, he's told 'friends' - yes I know that comes as a surprise, a bit like Policeman and Tax Inspectors claiming to have friends - he has said he will blow his whistle for full time and then rip off his his F.I.F.A affiliation badge, apparently it's held on by Velcro, and throw it to the ground.
I can't wait!
* For any Wolves and Southampton fans passing this is crystal ball gazing.
I'm glad it's not just me who dislikes this man : it seems to me that he always loves to be at the centre of a controversy and getting attention.
Celebrity refs ? No, thank you!!!!
IMHO, refs should be like the pitch : contributing positively to the match but rarely getting a mention.
I agree Shy - good interview with Dermott Gallagher in the Times yesterday. Dermott retires today after 1,000 professional matches in charge and he says he knows he's had a good game if people afterwards can't remember who the ref was!
# تركيب مانع الحمام بالمدينة
# مكافحة بالمدينة الحمام
طارد حمام بالمدينة
شركة مكافحة حمام بالمدينة وضواحيها
باافضل الأسعار والمواد مع التركيب
أفضل شركة مكافحة حمام بالمدينة من خلال مجموعة متميزة من الفنيين المختصين فى تركيب طارد الحمام من تنظيف فضلات الحمام ثم القيام بعملية التركيب خلال استخدام الأشواك
أو الشبك
تركيب طارد الحمام على الدرايش
تركيب على القراميد والاسوار
تركيب على المكيفات
مانع الطيور
مانع الحمام
تركيب طارد للحمام
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فني تركيب غرف النوم بالرياض
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الروضة للتسويق
الروضة للتسويق
الروضة للتسويق
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