Is Life So Fucking Weird or What? (with apologies to Bill Hicks)
Okay, those of you who are familiar with my ramblings and who have also visited Augustus blog here may remember the posts about My Space. For those who aren't, I joined My Space so that I could listen to the music of a fellow blogger.
Now my piece of the My Space franchise doesn't contain any information about me other than my blogging name and e-mail address, but despite this lack of information I am attracting 'friends' quicker than a fit, good looking twentysomething bloke who has just taken a break from work, removed his t-shirt and opened a can of Pepsi. In the past my 'friends' have tended to be fortysomething women from the Mid West who are looking for some 'friendship' but today I had an e-mail from a young lady (22) who wants to be my latest friend. Her interests include philosophy among other things, she's got a pretty varied taste in music and her favourite films are not unappealing - ranging from Ben Hur to various examples of what I call the 'frat' type of humour - you know Weekend at Bernie's, Porkies etc - the sort where you put your brain in neutral before you watch.
Thing is she doesn't appear to have much interest in sport or politics and I can't help thinking that those long winter evenings spent in the log cabin near Nevada will drag by unless we can find something else of mutual interest. Oh, by the way, her name is Marine and this is her photograph.

(It's okay, I know it's all a scam. but flattery will get you anywhere)
Well, well, well. I'm glad you included the picture, Paul. That young lady requested to be my friend last week but under the name of Neda from Nevada. I looked at her profile and there was a link to her nude pictures. Do I need to point out that I didn't follow the link? Anyway, needless to say I declined the request to be one of her friends. Obviously the spammers think that men of a certain age will find nude pictures of a young blonde irresistable. Wrong!
Fuck me bandy! You've changed the template again!
Oh well! At least you haven't struck me off entirely...
"(He Used To Post Regularly) Gavin"
Oh and my daughter (who is a bit of a looker I grant you) has 21 THOUSAND friends on her bebo!
Hi Shy - I didn't follow the link, the photograph appeared when I clicked her name, she looks like jailbait to me - ignoring my marital status for the mo. :-)
Bandy Gavin? Can you see my legs over the net?
My 'used to post regulalry' was a reference to your blog - not your posts here.
Shes a bit weird, she seems to be laying an egg...
oh I suppose some chick had to amke a disparaging comment about that young blond hot totty! Why didn't I recieve that mail for God sake! I mean, not that I'd follow the link either no!
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