Friday, June 29, 2007

It's Presentation Evening Time

Last night was Year 8's presentation evening at Nathalie's school and a good hour and a half was had by all. The school has had some problems recently with half a dozen children being expelled for drink and drug related offences but it got a cracking Ofsted report last Autumn and there are some very talented students there, not just academically but music, drama and sports related.

It was interesting to discover on the day that Britain lost it's playing interest in Wimbledon that one of Nathalie's peer group is in the top sixty boys in the country - quite an achievement for a 13 year old.

We're both really proud of what Nathalie has achieved this year and next year will be harder as it's a year for SATS. She picked up a Governors Award and a 100% Attendance Award, now I know that children do get ill but she was one of only 12 out of 300 to have an absence free year - doesn't that seem a low number?


Linda Mason said...

Congratulations to Nat.

No it doesn't seem low. Take my son. He has had four days off this academic year so nigh on 100% attendance. Two days were for a holiday we were taking, one was when I kept him off until they sorted out a nasty bullying situation and one was for a hospital appointment. All three reasons are pretty normal day to day reasons that could apply to anyone. What amuses me is that the school has closed itself for three whole days this year; two for snow (!) and one for flooding.

Daughter's attendance has been less than 50% this year due to her health problems and yet she has still managed to get the Maths award plus get a full level over the Sats standard for year 2. The Head says it is handy that she is such an intelligent girl. I'm thinking she perhaps only needs part-time school!

Paul said...

Thanks Mags.

Interesting what you say about your daughter, knowing her health problems this past year I'm delighted for you all that she has done so well at school. A friend of ours keeps her daughter off school for the silliest reasons and this year she was pupil of the year and is studying science a year ahead fo the rest of her class. This has made her very unhappy as kids being kids she is called swot and boff but she is doing better than those who attend more often.

Name Witheld said...

Nats has done well, hasn't she! I find that, as a parent, there is a mixture of pride and relief.

SATS are a source of competition in our house. Eldest got 6,7 and 8 then No.2 got straight 7's. No.1 son took his last month and the results are eagerly awaited!

Paul said...

You're so right Shy she's worked so hard this year that I was really hoping she'd get some reward for it beyond the satisfaction of doing it - if that makes sense.