Monday, July 23, 2007

Global Warming, Freak Weather or Is It The Fault of Immigrants?

Nice to see the nut jobs out in force over on the 5Live boards blaming the Labour party policies on everything from house building to lack of flood defences for the damage caused to towns and villages over the past few days by high rainfall.

What a bunch of shabby, shallow, small minded racist arseholes who decide to concentrate all their time and efforts on immigrants. Want to blame somebody for something, go on anything, bus late, tea cold, no job, high council tax - no it's not the fault of some flabby arsed white Anglo Saxon it's the fault of an Eastern European who, having seen he can earn more in a day in England than he could in a week in Poland, has decided to uproot and make a better life for himself. You'd think that somebody might actually say "well done, you must have cajones of steel to do that," but no, they come over here, take our jobs, open their own supermarkets and generally upset the white supremacists.

Over in Worcestershire the milk of human kindness is even sourer, albeit at £4 a litre, as thieves have taken advantage of the chaos on the roads by breaking into abandoned cars in Worcestershire and true to the English ideals of a grand day out "flood sightseers," are causing problems for emergency services by ignoring warning signs and pulling over on the roadside to take pictures.


Gavin Corder said...

I thought you'd lumped me in with the "nut jobs" for a minute there!

Paul said...

No Gavin not you. I quite like flamingreen's persistence but it's the same record. Same with I.moore and beeb666 - everything that is wrong with the world is either down to the BBC or Polish immigrants.

I was pretty wound-up when I wrote this rant. It's the 'what did the Romans do for us?' syndrome.

Span Ows said...

...but it's a good rant! :-)

looters - execution
profiteers - gaol
rubberneckers - capitol punishment, preferably the stocks in a flooded village.

Linda Mason said...

Well said Paul. I read those threads today but refrained from posting because if I had done so, I would have blown a gasket. I can't treat this sort of thing as a joke. I don't find it funny.

Gavin Corder said...

So you appeared to agree that the is cogence bewteen a socialist and an anarcho-capitalist...


The Great Gildersleeve said...

I avoided posting too, many over there just seem to go off on would appear to have resulted in yet another change in rules from Mein Hosts. Will it have any affect?

I won't take any bets...

Paul said...

Span - I like the idea of stocks in a flooded village. How low do you have to be morally to break into an abandoned car?

Mags - I was grateful for Gavin coming on board with his view of the housing shortage, it stopped my head exploding!

Gavin - I think its possible, after all the NHS is a socialist principle whose idea is subsribed to by capitalists!

Gildy - the thread that was pulled last week on racism against Jewish people had sunk to a new low. The fact that it made the Daily Mail journalist Melane Phillips blog and the front page of the Jerusalem Post says it all.

Lucy said...

Have I got this right, a 5 live UK news thread made the front page of the Jerusalem post and a journalists blog?!
Do you have a link?

Span Ows said...

Lucy, I asked tehs ame thing - quite incredible - it went all around the world on various Jewish blogs/sites.

Just Google Iron Naz (yes, 'that' Iron Naz)

Lucy said...

Oh goodness me Span!
Naz is well popular now...

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