I was talking to Magoo this afternoon, she celebrated her 28th birthday a couple of weeks ago, and was telling her how I'd finally found somebody who I could share my love of foreign cinema with......Nathalie.
Having been married to somebody for over twenty years who doesn't like films at all, which has meant I tend to watch DVD's and films on TV at unsociable hours, Nathalie and I sat down last Wednesday and watched The Motorcycle Diaries, then on Saturday we watched the German film The Princess and The Warrior. Anyway Magoo asked what the 'Diaries' film was about and I told her it was the story of Ernesto 'Che' Guevara and his friend Alberto and was based on Che's diary which in turn became a book which became a film.
"So this Che, he was a real person then?"
"You're joking right?"
"Right, I'm going back upstairs, you Google his name. Give me a ring when you've read about him."
"How do you spell his name?"
Ten minutes later the phone goes.
"His face is familiar. Where would I have seen his face?"
Now this conversation followed shortly on the heels of another one on British music when I happened to mention a story from 10 years ago where I had promised myself The Jam boxset as a reward for achieving something. We went through the same, "Who are they?" routine, which was repeated when I mentioned The Clash. Her excuse for not having heard of either band or any of their music is that they are oldies! As for poor old Che, well the excuse there was that she hadn't studied modern history at school. Now I know that popular culture has a rapid turnover of its heroes but The Jam and The Clash became popular only thirty years ago - her lack of knowledge made me suddenly feel very old!
Is it me or is it a little odd that someone 28 years old doesn't know about Che, The Class and The Jam? You'll have to get Magoo to listen to Radio 2!
Well I got 40 out of 45 possible points. The only one I didn't know the name of was teh guy in profile next to Che.
I agree with Shytalk...very strange!...born in 79 you can excuse not knowing who The Jam and The Clash were first time round but who hasn't seen/doesn't know who Che was, or remember 'that' iconic photo/ a reprint of it some form! Maybe she has just not been 'into' the music in anyway (my two elder sons, 17 and 15 know who the Clash and The Jam were)...still seems odd...
Shy, I asked another twentysomething today and she hadn't heard of Che either. Although she had heard of the Jam and The Clash - although she did add that she thought both of them were old!
Span if you had known I would have been mighitly impressed. In Jon Lee Anderson's biography he says that Che was flanked by other revolutionaires when Alberto Korda took the iconic picture at a funeral procession.
Che Clash Jam! Bastards got there first!
No they don't know. They are just icons. I doubt they'd recognise your naked madonna with the big boobies below as our Madge!
Well this lot of old fuckers would but not the kiddies... is wa=hat I meant. It's a bit late.
No offense meant!
Good man Korda (great name huh?) - he took not a penny piece for that picture.
You see those jackets the Clash are wearing... I've still got one like that... it's priceless. Too tight for anyone but slim ladies and teenage boys who want to look hard now but...My Number One Son wore it to parties on pain of death of ever taking it off and losing it and got served for years in it.
Now he's twenty and can't get in it anymore, they ask him for ID!!!!!
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