Have You Seen This Girl On TV?

This is Naomi Denton-Younger, she's 15, blonde, about 5' 4'' tall with blue eyes and on the day she went missing she told friends she was going to Thanet. She was last seen getting into a silver car on 15th March 2007 in Dover, she was last seen wearing blue jeans, white trainers and a grey hooded jumper.
Naomi is one of 25 female children who have gone missing in the U.K in the last twelve months, unfortunately for Naomi her parents aren't white middle class professionals who can spend all their time appearing in front of television cameras, granting interviews with the press and having audiences with the great and the good. Naomi was last mentioned in the British press on 24 April this year, approximately five weeks after her disappearance, about 110 days ago.
Sad but true...but I don't think being middle class or white is the telling factor; I think not having to work (i.e. they can dedicate more time) is the main reason Madeleine's parents can push so much: if they had to work to pay the mortgage and had no savings it could be a different story.
Well said, Paul. I agree with you 100% on this. Why Madeleine McCann gets all the publicity while just about every other missing child gets none is a mystery to me and also, I believe, a moral outrage.
I have every sympathy for the McCann's and I sincerely hope that they get the happy ending they pray for BUT they make me so mad. They are now setting up a web site for missing children. Hello, we already have a perfectly good web sites run by a perfectly good charity already: http://missingkids.co.uk/ http://www.missingpeople.org.uk/
All this money could be going into organisations that already know what they are doing because they have experience behind them. They also focus equally on all missing children and not just one who happens to have parents who are educated and savvy enough to be able to devote 100% of their time to this sort of campaign.
Thank you Paul.
Hi Span and Mags.
I know you are right Span but returning from Paris and switching on the news to see 'special reports' on the 100 days of Madeline actually made me snap. I don't begrudge media coverage but this case has been treated as a one-off when it is not. The websites Mags refers to make very sobering reading and as a parent we all know how traumatic losing sight of your child can be at a young age but I just feel enough is enough.
I hope I'm not going down the 'blame the victims' route with this post but I wish people were made aware that for every Madeline McCann there are 24 other families who in the last 12 months have had to endure the same pain and feeling of helplessness and the same number for the pervious year etc.
Whilst I too do wonder why we need to have daily updates on the non events of the hunt for Madeline I do feel there is a difference between a teenager/adult going missing and a toddler snatching. [The sad fact is people of this age often choose to go missing.]
When Milly Dowler went missing it was similar to a snatching and was afforded a lot of coverage.
The age of the victims does make a difference , 'adults' do have more ability to understand and get themselves out of difficulties than a 4 year old.
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