Friday, August 31, 2007

What are men like?

Okay Magoo phones in work on Wednesday in a right state, you can hardly understand a word she is saying through the shallow breathing caused by crying and panic. Her boyfriend of ten years has walked out on her, left in the middle of the night to go and spend time with some people he's just met - he's sitting in a field when he phones her at 5:30 am to say they've broken-up and he's sorry, he rings off.

She decides that's the end of the relationship asks for two days unpaid leave and phones her parents up to ask if a) she can move home and b) they can help her move back in.

Fast forward two days and she arrrives at work looking like a Giant Panda, they aren't so much bags under her eyes as fully laden suitcases. Her boyfriend has phoned to say he's sorry he broke up with her over the phone and can they still be friends. When she says what sort of friend disappears in the middle of the night without a word to somebody he supposedly loves and after ten years together, he doesn't have an answer. The conversation continues and it becomes clear that what he wants isn't somebody who has worshipped the ground he walks on and put up with his drinking and womanising, he wants a fuck buddy (as they say in New York).

Is it just men who are like this or can women be totally clueless about relationships.


Name Witheld said...

I think men and women are as bad as each other but, as a man, I am often utterly apalled by the some of the things men sometimes do. (If that makes sense, I've had one or two glasses of wine tonight)

P.S. 9:30 on Tuesday I'm seeing a firm of consulting engineers in Newcastle who want to talk to me "to see if there's anything they can offer me".

Paul said...

In my experience women tend to be bitchy about other women whereas men tend to completely insensitive bastards!

Hope it goes well on Tuesday Shy, keep your viewing public informed.

The Great Gildersleeve said...

Hey Les, My fingers are crossed for you.

Paul,After all the latest carry on regarding the plans the Government have for the whole of the UK, if Les can do better get out and do so now.

I have been writing about the by election as you know and the changes promised to my town centre.

It's going to get worse and I can see things staying unfinished for years...After why should those in power now boiother when they have to give up their power in 12-18 months?

Remember most of the North said no to a similar idea...twice and they are still pushing through their plans.

Also, this area said no to housing stock being put into what is for intended purposes a private landlord or company/housing association...guess what we've just had a form sent out to tennents offering a similar idea much for democracy.

I can see another blog entry being written soon.