Checking my e-mails tonight I see one of my posts on the 5Live News Board was removed because in same way it contravened the board rules. How?
Subject:The Madeleine Fund
Posting by Big OB :"My wife and I both come from a belief that if you have kids you take every iota of responsibility that comes with them. In fact, our son has never even had a babysitter while we went out. Our opinion is that anywhere that we can't take our son is somewhere we don't want to be."
Reply by me "Same for me and my wife Big OB."
Yeah I'm in pre-mod. It appears you cannot criticise those people for the thing that they DO actually admit to doing!
See my MB. Too pissed off to do link!
They probably pulled the post because they couldn't handle the fact that you and Big OB actually agreed on something. I must admit I'm surprised by it.
Blimey. I did rather open a can of worms with that thread. Sorry folks. I'll keep my opinions off the Beeb boards in future....unless I get foaming about something else ;-)
Clearly such rude filth shouldn't be allowed! :-/
Very starnge, did tehy pulll various posts? sometimes a thread gets zapped and all the posts get 'modded' but in this case that certainly hasn't happened.
Perhaps they misread and thought you were mentioning your wife's big OB?
Don't apologise Mags, as I said on Gavin's Station this particular thread was a lot milder in nature than the one earlier in the week.
I was surprised as well Shy, it must have been the heat on that day and Span you are right there didn't seem any rhyme or reason to the post being pulled. In fact when I got the e-mail I assumed it was for another post on the same thread that was left in.
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