Sunday, November 25, 2007

Male Cancer Awareness

This is Mr Testicle, yes I know it sounds like a character from an Alexi Sayle sketch, or possibly the polite nickname of a past England manager, but he's the face of the Male Cancer Awareness campaign which is being given prominence this weekend. The Mr Testicles site is here and you can find out how to check for signs of testicular cancer and how you can take part in the fabulously named Adopt A Bollock campaign.

Testicular cancer kills, on average, one person a week in England. I know that's not a huge number but that one death means somebody is losing a husband, son, boyfriend etc. The age group most likely to die is the 15-49 group. My all time sporting hero Bobby Moore had one of his testicles removed as a young man and we are all aware of what he achieved in his professional career. As a group, men that is, we aren't that great at discussing health issues until something major occurs but prevention is better than cure (or death) as they say and it's worth making a weekly check on your bits to make sure there aren't any bumps or lumps that shouldn't be there.


Name Witheld said...

I had an ultra sound scan last year that was, thankfully, O.K. The worst part is summoning up the courage to make the first appointment.

When you get there it's fine because all the medical staff have seen everything and just another pair of testicles is no big deal.

If anyone has any worry at all they should pick up the phone and make an appointment as soon as they can.

Span Ows said...

Alexi sayle? More like a character from VIZ comic which by complete coincidence I read about yesterday (auction of copy of first edition)

...if anyone has any worry they should feel their testicles a bit more!...oh, you mean if the've already found something 'dodgy'...

Adopt a bollock...fanatstic!