So Where is It Going Wrong?

I can't help thinking that David Cameron and Rafa Benitez might have been seperated at birth, both seem to have that happy knack of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory - well if not quite defeat then they are in danger of letting a lead become a draw. The Independent poll of polls for January shows that the eight point lead has halved.
"How can this be?" A colleague of mine asked the other day and to be honest I don't know the answer. You would have thought that with the Northern Rock fiasco, the treatment of Kate Hoey and Frank Field, worries over the economy, the HMRC computer failure, meltdown in parts of the NHS, lack of clear and coherent thinking over Capital Gains Tax issues and confidential data going missing on an almost weekly basis at the end of last year that the Conservatives would be romping away into the distance. But they aren't, they are looking like Newcastle United a month after Kevin Keegan signed Faustino Asprilla.
If you read the messageboards there seems to be a growing disillusionment with the Labour Party over dozens of issues and yet the Conservatives aren't any closer to power than at any point during the last ten years or so - why?
On Thursday the Lib Dems even offered to help the Conservatives form a coalition government should the need and opportunity arise - Spans thread on 5Live Messageboard . On current form they should grasp the idea with both hands, if they can iron out some basic disagreements over Europe and taxation then they would seem to be good partners.
(BTW: I've had a couple of days off work which is why I've suddenly become a bit over indulgent with the blog postings, don't worry I'll calm down shortly)
he hey...thanks for the link...I expected a rush of bitter in-fighting to break out on that thread but it didn't happen...prhaps that's the answer to the questions you posed in this blog post...nobody's that bothered! This is of course what IMHO was one of the founding pillars of "The Labour project" (Mandy Campbell and co) Get power then via any means possible turn off the public from any real passionate interest; it certainly seems that way...
P.S. did anyone get my little play on words when I replied to you in taht thread...I do so hate it when one's efforts go unappreciated :-)
I got the play on words Span, perhaps everybody else was suffering post Friday lunch syndrome. I agree about the lack of passionate interest, have you watched Question Time lately, I'm sure it is held in a library each week with a 'Do not make any noise' sign above David Dimblumbums head.
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