The land of my fathers, the land of my choice,
The land in which poets and minstrels rejoice;
The land whose stern warriors were true to the core,
While bleeding for freedom of yore
No, not the match itself, although that was pretty good, I mean the singing beforehand. None of this invoking a non existent deity to protect a non-elected head of state rubbish, this was 65,000 people singing with pride, proper pride not some flag waving jingoistic exercise. Look at the faces, the old, the young, Charlotte Church, the little girl who was the mascot and the even smaller girl who was also a mascot - it was brilliant stuff. Coming after the oh so ironic singing by the English fans of swing low this brought a tear to my eye.
Well done to Wales on the field as well, who knows how the season might have panned out if England hadn't fallen asleep in the dressing room at Twickenham at half-time in the first game but Wales rose to the challenge and just got better and better. Good to see England come good at last and well done to Italy. For Ireland and Scotland, games against Wales and England apart you have to say there must be a big clear out. Scotland are a rugby nation dying on its feet which makes the England performance all the more galling and as for Ireland, how much longer can they rely on the likes on O'Gara and how old is Nick Stringer, he's been playing since W.B Yeats was a lad.
Oh, and naughty boy Danny, but well done for apologising straight away, hopefully you'll go far.
Not just a non-elected head of state but one of German ancestry married to a racist Greek!
He's not Greek!
Anyway, yes, well done Wales...land of my mother :-)
...got to celebrate somehow!
They were either given drugs or a right talking to during the half-time breaks...every single game they won after half time and looking each time like a different team to the respective first halves....yes at the end of the game!!! you know what I mean!
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