Saturday, September 20, 2008

Now That's What I Call Being Tough On Crime

A man in the States has been convicted of stealing $24 from a toddler's piggy bank has been sentenced to six years in prison. Four-time convicted burglar Ryan Mueller was convicted of felony burglary in a Sheboygan, Wisconsin court.

Prosecutors said Mueller, 31, broke into a home in August, 2007 and stole money from a two-year-old girl's piggy bank while she slept, the Sheboygan Press reported.

The girl's mother walked into the room and caught Mueller in the act.
Mueller was also sentenced to five years' probation. He is to serve his sentence consecutively to a six-year prison sentence handed down in June for a separate burglary conviction.Source: The Sun-Herald

I heard this news item on the 1:30 a.m news bulletin on the BBC World Service this morning and thought I must have been dreaming. I could only find two references to it on the Net, but one would have proved it wasn't the home made pizza playing mind melts!

1 comment:

Span Ows said...

ha...wouldn't surprise me...where you do the crime you do the time! My aunt has just moved from Minnesota (still got 6 cousins who's convinced he's the living and breathing Dukes of Hazard) to Wisconsin in the nicely named Dog Desert (prairie du chien)