Now Go And Change You Armour

Winston Churchill is often credited with the quote: "The further back I look, the further forward I can see," - it wasn't actually Churchill himself who said it as far as I can deduce, it was his daughter Lady Soames.
I wonder how far Gordon Brown can look back these days. He reminds me of the knight in Monty Python's Holy Grail who, having been rebuffed by the French Kniggit for the second time, turns to King Arthur and says, "perhaps it will confuse him if we run away." The brave new world approach means bringing back all the miscreants and failures of previous shuffles and administrations and giving them one last hurrah. I'm sure I will wake up on Monday and hear John Humphries interviewing Alastair Campbell on the 2010 General Election Manifesto.
What is the point of all of this? Well it can serve several purposes. At the moment the Conservative lead over the Labour party in opinion polls stands at only 12%. The public seem to have accepted that with the words 'credit crunch' being shouted from every hill, mosque, billboard and television screen up and down the land that Gordon Brown might not actually be to blame for everything after all. Add to that the fact that across North America and Europe the stories of financial collapse and Government bail outs are an everyday occurrence and you sense that people are thinking "well actually this isn't all Gordon's fault, perhaps we'll just hang in there and ride out the storm." Of course this would normally horrify Conservative votes but they are witnessing the almost daily appearance of either David Cameron or George Osborne telling the media on one hand Labour got us into a lot of this mess whilst on the other they are willing to put differences to one side and help out where possible. This morning on BBC David Cameron was treading a well worn path with talk of tax cuts funded from savings in public spending, this at a time when one of the biggest criticisms of Labour has been the lack of public spending in key areas.
Gordon is pulling all the Blair wagons into a circle, whilst Mandy is no doubt a rotten apple in any barrel we might just be seeing the start of a change in the fortunes of a beleaguered leader and party. So let's party like it's 1997.
1 comment:
Too busy to comment lots but Mandy is an arse...WHY is he to be Lorded and Lauded? Paid by the taxpayer for the rest of his life WHY????!!!!! Brown is getting away with it! My worst I wrote either here or on the MB he set a building alight...arson, he has the petrol can in his hand and his fingerprints are all over the crime scene...meanwhile a bigger fire breaks out down the street and sparks fly into his already burning building...the fire brigade arrive as he is there telling all and sundry he is there to help put the fire out..."I mean look at it, the whole street is burning".He should be in the Tower of London (not as a tourist)
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