To everybody who has visited these pages this year, as either a contributor or as a confused lost soul on the electronic behemoth we call the Interweb, I wish you a happy Christmas and hope that 2009 brings health, happiness and financial stability. So eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow the credit card statements arrive.
Cheers, Paul, and the same to you. Believe it or nor, I haven't used a credit card for almost three and a half years. Debit card? Well, that's quite another matter.
Anyway, I hope you have a great Christmas and I wish you, Janis and Nathalie all the best for 2009.
Can share a thought with you as we approach a new year? A counsellor once said to me "No-one lies on their death bed and says 'I wish I'd spent more time at work'"
And the same to you and your family Shy - I look forward to some new music from you in 2009.
Re work, I'm going to try a new approach in 2009. Span said he reckoned the 'paperless office' would take six months to implement in 2008 and I'm still waiting - so I think I could try a new approach and feel satisfied about it myself without causing too much disruption!
All the best to yo and your's Paul(and you Shy)
Hope 2009 is a better one for all(just got some bad news regarding tests at the hospital before Christmas)
Something else to worry over...must stay positive...what a way to bring the New Year in...
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