Friday, January 09, 2009

He did what?

The Carlos Tevez saga has bobbed up again this week like a dead body from a torpedoed battleship. I won't bore you with the whole sorry story again but would like to draw your attention to the following two paragraphs from the Eurosport pages:

The key point to be investigated is the evidence provided to the tribunal by lawyer Graham Shear, solicitor for Tevez's agent Kia Joorabchian.

Shear said that Duxbury had provided verbal assurances, or "oral cuddles", that the third-party agreement still existed - despite the Hammers chief having informed the Premier League that the agreement had been terminated.

Now I'm no language expert but I can see the expression "oral cuddles" entering the lexicon some day soon.


Name Witheld said...

"Oral cuddles"? My first response to that would be "Oh, Matron!"

My second response would be "What the f*ck are they doing to the English language"?

Paul said...

It must be solicitor speak!

I think we'll be found guilty and be relegated to League One - Millwall and Orient will be our derby matches in 2009-10.