The winner of a pancake-eating contest has dropped dead while accepting his prize for gorging on 43 of the banana and cream stuffed desserts. Boris Isayev, 48, from west Russia, which I'd always thought was called Poland, died on stage moments after winning the competition to mark the end of Butter Week.
The contest, which took place in the town of Chernyakhovsk (not Poland), was part of festivities to celebrate Maslenitsa, the last week before the period of Lent starts. According to local traditions, meat, fish, dairy products and eggs are forbidden during Lent, as well as dancing and parties.
Witnesses described Mr Isayev as "the most active participant in the contest" adding that he "ate all the types of pancakes on offer and won fairly".
The witness added: "He had really enjoyed the pancakes but then he started foaming at the mouth and went down like a sack of stones. Medics tried to revive Mr Isayev after he collapsed while collecting his prize on stage. The exact cause of death is not clear but doctors believe he choked after a piece of pancake got lodged in his throat.
Celebrations are said to have continued after Mr Isayev's body was taken away in an ambulance. There's compassion for you - not.
Just before last Christmas there was a TV programme on the affects of over indulging and there was a horribly graphic demonstration of the impact of eating too much in a short space of time on your stomach and how food 'backs-up' in your oesophagus. Actually I've just impressed myself but spelling that word correctly without a dictionary. Anyway it was truly disgusting and enough to make you want to forgo your turkey dinner and eat a quail instead - I had duck by the way, thank you for asking. So poor Boris, he is no more, but let that be a lesson to all you potential binge eaters out there - stick with the lemon and sugar, they'll slip down a lot easier.
It wa sthe fruit that killed him! Meat fish and dairy...what was he doing having bananas!...and he choked on a bit of food which means he didn't finish---CHEAT!
(I heard he was a tosser anyway)
Just think... ...there were probably people watching who laughed at him for being a "fat b*stard". I bet they feel really guilty now!
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