Friday, February 12, 2010

The following is based on the Interview that takes place in the Independent each Saturday. I know I'm not famous but I thought I'd indulge myself!

My parents were

My Dad worked for Covent Garden as a porter than answered an advert by BSM to become a driving instructor, he's now retired. My Mum worked for Lloyds Insurance in the City until I was born, she later worked as a computer operator for Max Factor and Abbey Life.

If I could change one thing about myself ...

I would be more tolerant of other people's shortcomings, we all have them.

You wouldn't know it but I'm very good at ...

Making Chocolate Mousse.

You may not know it but I'm no good at ...

Do It Yourself. Shortly after we got married (25 years ago this May) one of my Aunties told us not to worry about decorating because we had our whole lives to do it. Unfortunately we took her at her word.

At night I dream that ...

I am blind and driving a car through a busy town, apparently the dream is supposed to represent uncertainty.

What I see when I look in the mirror ...

My Dad. And when I see my Dad I see his Dad.

My favourite item of clothing ...

My Chris Brasher walking boots, they make me feel indestructible and give me the ability to walk ludicrous distances.

I drive/ride ...

A VW Passat Blue Motion. It's so comfortable and so green, although it's actually black. I ride a Claude Butler hybrid.

My house is ...

Semi-detached in a town on the English south coast.

My favourite building ...

Is not really a building at all, it's the Jardin du Trocadero from where you can see the Tour Eiffel and the Champ de Mars. Probably the most romantic set of water features in the world.

A book that changed me ... '

Le Grand Meaulnes by Alain Fournier. Fournier only wrote one book before he was killed in action in 1914 aged 27. It's a book about the twilight that exists between the teenage years and adulthood, it's about idealism, realism and exploring both inside and outside of your own experience.

Movie heaven ... would be

Anything directed by Eric Rohmer or the Heimat stories by Edgar Reitz.

The last album I bought ... was Imidiwan by Tinariwen. They are a band from the Sahara area of northern Mali.

My eternal crush ... is my wife.

My greatest regret ... is not going to Belgium as a 17 year old to play professional football, I should have had more self confidence but had I gone I wouldn't have met Janis.

My real-life villain ... I'm sorry to say that for more than half my life it's been my Dad. Now when I see him I see an old man (he's 72) and feel guilty that we drifted apart for so long.

The person who really makes me laugh ... Eddie Izzard. I've always been a fan of the absurd, Spike Milligan, The Python's, Harry Hill - anything that looks at life from a different perspective.

The last time I cried ... when I watched Field of Dreams on the anniversary of my brothers death. It always makes me cry when I watch it.

My five-year plan ... is to stay alive.

My life in six words ... more organised than I would like.

I was born on 12th February 1960.


Span Ows said...

Hawaii, Hawaii, Hawaii...

5 0

da da da-da dahhh dah....

Happy Birthday!

Span Ows said...

P.S. 5 hours later...good guess re the Passat eh? ;-)

Name Witheld said...

Happy Birthday!

Great idea about the interview. In five and a half years I'll be sixty so I might do one myself then!

Paul said...

Thanks Span and yes, good guess about the V.W

Thanks Shy. I thought it was pretentious to begin with but thought sod it, I can be pretentious sometimes.