At Least Harpo Made The Occasional Noise!

If you say to a Conservative voter or follower "the problem with your lot is that they don't have any policies," they will say, "look on their website there are loads there."
Isn't that missing the point slightly?
Whilst all the recent publicity has surrounded the photographs of Mrs Cameron when she was a prospective model (showing her knickers) or the announcement about the baby, or the crocodile tears over the not being asked to appear with that prize arse Piers Morgan the Conservative lead has ebbed away to such an extent you have to wonder if Kevin Keegan is in charge.
Why doesn't the leader of the opposition make the running in the phony war, why doesn't he set out in a manner that can be understood by all potential voters exactly how the Conservatives are going to lead the country if they were to win the next General Election. I've heard people, intelligent people, say that there's no difference between the two main parties. Apparently this week there was the chance of a debate about immigration, the only person who had anything to say on the subject, and I don't mind being proved wrong here, was that bloke from migrationwatch.
Oh, and whilst we are thinking about debates the forthcoming television debates featuring the three main party leaders look like being the equivalent of half a pint of shandy when the democratic future of this country is crying out for a pint of strong beer. The 'rules' of the debate appear to have been drawn up by your local librarian, no heckling, no commenting, no applause, no reaction to what is said, what a waste of time and space. The questions will be drawn up by a team of journalists (so that's a left wing bias except for the Daily Mail who will raise immigration and the Daily Express who will ask if there will ever be an official investigation into the death of Diana, People's Princess). The audience will be chosen by ICM, based on age, ethnicity, sex etc and will be limited to 200. Now BBC's Question Time has been accused of being dumbed down over the years but at least you do get an audience reaction. I don't know why the producers of all three programmes don't go the whole way and carry the whole thing out in an empty studio, introduce the show with some Circus music (you know the sort) and play a laughter track from Last of The Summer Wine over the top.
We get the Government we deserve but couldn't we sometimes it would be good to get the opposition we need.
ahem...the website comeback is so as not to bother going through all the media to find the reams of policies that come out every week that people who say "no policies" chose to ignore...IMHO.
The debate debacle seems doomed to failure. I'm sure I can blame Brown because up it wasn't until he finally said OK (and laid out conditions) that the others perked up with their own conditions.
I found myself sticking up for the Conservatives the other day, most bizarre.
The debate is so controlled as to be unworthy of the name. What a sham and what a shame.
Thanks for taking the time to write all your comments btw.
"What a sham and what a shame."
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