You Ain't Seen Me Right?

The photograph above was taken last night in Poole, except if you ask the Dorset Police it didn't happen, the Dorset Ambulance service insist that no incident took place and the person who took this photograph was asked not to do so. Fortunately the TOG in question knew his rights and snapped away before sending it to the Daily Echo.
This isn't the first time that an accident hasn't happened despite being witnessed by a member of the public. Janis and myself saw a police vehicle in an accident that wasn't reported either, in the case of the accident we witnessed the police were actually carrying shouldered firearms so I suppose the reason for non-reporting could have been security driven (no pun intended).
Last night's accident and lack of information being available to the local press seems bizarre rather than sinister.
Look out behind you...
Then they wonder why people don't trust the Police anymore.
It's quite surreal really, people witness accident and then told it never happened. It's something out of the X-Files.
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