Nathalie came in the other night and said, "John and Chris are wrestling in their lounge, the front door is open so you can see."
It was a bizarre statement as far as statements about our neighbours go. We've had the neighbours having sex in the lounge window, neighbours having a shower in a bathroom without frosted glass, neighbours drunk on their front lawn, a neighbour called the 'c' word by a friend for not settling a debt, the neighbour crushed to death under his car when the jack slipped, the deaf neighbour who couldn't hear his dog barking all night and the neighbour who everybody thinks is a lesbian but doesn't like to ask. It was therefore only a matter of time before the neighbours would indulge in some Greco Roman type of pastime.
Oh by the way, Chris and John are married, not the same sex. In case you wondered/cared*
*delete as appropriate
I thought, for a moment, that your photographic career had taken a quantum leap forward, Paul. A Phwoar fest if ever there was one : eight girls... ... an entire issue (no pun intended) of Mayfair!
I always maintain that we've been lucky with our neighbours. We've got a couple of old bags across the road. One of whom is not content to twitch the net curtains but she's actually been seen using binoculars! I think this is taking things a bit far.
My last boss once new someone who murdered a noisy neighbour.
Blimey, that last paragraph is a bit scary!
Yes Shy, I think eight girls at once would be too much for me to handle.
hahaha...brilliant, take Shy's first sentence and I wa shalfway through writing EXACTLY the same befor eI read his comment! (and I was very jealous!)
Never had bad neigbours...hurrah! However I have chatted with a muederer and received bait from him (fishing!) and about a fortnight later he was in the papers...for having murdered his son about 2 months before! yes, he hadn't been caught when I was with him, had his son in a shallow grave in the garden...about my age...FFS!!!
Bloody hell Span, that is scary. I've never met a murderer, must get out more.
I have actually socialised with a convicted murderer. My brother's first ex wife remarried a bloke who did ten years for murdering his first wife and I met the guy at my mother's funeral. To be honest, he just seemed like an ordinary bloke.
See Paul...it's easy! ;-)
...and it was scary to go think back after reading about it to exactly what he said, what he did and for me to think...what was he thinking...gulp.
Shy, in reality most of them "are" probably 99.9% normal blokes (or blokesses) To coin a phrase "it's a thin line"...now that could be love/hate or genius/nutcase etc.
Let us return to the type of thing that started our comments...
I have looked at those girls with an issue of Mayfair in mind. The one at the back (top right) could probably be "Milf of the Month". You know the sort...over thirty and very dirty. However, I'm having difficulty finding a suitable taker for "Mayfair Classic". You know, the last girl in the mag with big eighties hair...in both places!
Surely this is better than talking about "Murderers we've known"!
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