Sunday, December 05, 2010

Oh those crazy Dutch.

The Dutch traditionally celebrate St. Nicholas eve today, it's the biggest celebration of the year, Christmas is just an afterthought, it is also the day in the Dutch calendar that causes the most offence and controversy.

Zwarte Pieten are St.Nicholas's helpers and their very existence continues to cause problems in a country where racial integration remains high on the political agenda.

Reading through the article reminded me of a debate in a local paper a few years ago about why the BBC had withdrawn the Black and White Minstrels from view which wasn't too far removed from the fairly recent furore regarding Carole Thatchers comments. The argument always, inevitably, divides along racial lines, white people can't see any harm in the continual portayal of blacks as slaves and won't let them forget that their ancestors were traded across the globe, whilst blacks are anxious to put that part of their collective history well and truly behind them.

In the linked article it is difficult to argue with the reasoned thinking in the second of these two paragraphs:

In an effort to tone down any racist implication, the story now says Zwarte Piet is black because they're covered in chimney soot. However, some say that explanation is unconvincing.

"That just doesn't work for someone who is a grown-up. Where did the Afro come from?" commented Ama van Dantzig, a resident of Amsterdam whose mother is Ghanian and father Dutch.

It is almost childlike in its simplicity and reasoning, as a result of which it is hard to offer a convincing counter argument.

1 comment:

Span Ows said...

There is no counter argument to their soot comment/excuse, there is a put down "don't be stupid". I wonder have any non whites complained or whether it is white liberal-luvvies making the fuss.