Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Truth Is Out There (Still)

From the Daily Telegraph, Friday 15th January 2011


On Tuesday evening 314 MPs voted against including in the European Union Bill a one-line pledge that the "sovereignty of the UK Parliament in relation to EU is hereby reaffirmed"

To his permanent shame these members include the PM and his chums, who shuffled into the NO lobby to record their opposition to this simple but vital statement of intent. Only 39 MPs voted that our Parliament does and must - maintain its sovereignty over the EU. A poor example from the leader of the Conservative Party who, unusually turned up at the conclusion of the debate just to record his own distinctly unreliable European view'

So that's bankers bonuses, VAT increases and EU Law - all of which were going to be challenged under the bright new dawn but have somehow managed to slip the PM's attention.


Span Ows said...

Not looking good really. Still a thousand times better than Brown though. Just in case you'd forgotten. :-)

P.S. As all the media seem to have forgotten.

Paul said...

It's not that bad (as bad as Brown I mean). It's early days yet, I think Cameron made a mistake with his Gerald Houllier type speech, "We wish the Lib Dems good luck." Houllier said "I don't mind losing 3-0 to a nice club like Liverpool," or words to that effect.