George Needs You!

George Osborne has flagged up a new online portal, designed to elicit ideas from the public and from businesses for the forthcoming Budget. The portal allows anyone to send their ideas direct to the desks of the Treasury officials working on the Budget, which will be delivered on 23 March. The Government said that the portal is another example of its commitment to policy transparency.
It follows on from the October 2010 Spending Review, when over 100,000 people submitted online suggestions as to how the Government could save money, including the idea of stopping the production of National Insurance cards.
George said: "I want to hear about your brightest and best ideas. Because next month's Budget will be all about growth. In particular I want to know what businesses, large and small, want from me. So go online and tell me what you think."
Go on then, fill your boots with daft suggestions or maybe some real ideas about how to tackle deficit and debt that nobody else has thought of, a tax on pointless management meetings for example.
Sounds like a gimic but you'd be surprised at the gems that this sort of thing occasionally throw up (maybe throw up isn't the right phrase!)
GO will probably get 25,000 shite suggestions and insults for every spark but it could be worth it...maybe...
P.S. When I delay a post it publishes with the time I "put it on view" despite being saved at an earlier come you get posts with the published date from days before?
Well hopefully it will produce some good ideas.
Re the second post I don't know the answer, I wrote the piece last Friday but couldn't finish it until yesterday.
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