Sunday, February 20, 2011

Things go better with 20 drops of Orange oil

Created by medicinal pharmacist John Pemberton in 1886, the exact measures of each ingredient that make up the world-famous brown coloured drink have been closely guarded - until now. American public radio show claims to have uncovered a list of ingredients and their exact quantities to mix the perfect Coca-Cola drink, although the term perfect is obvioulsy relative when discussing a liquid that can be used to clean coins and the inside of dishwashers - or remove nail polish if you are a lady!

A photo from the 8th February 1979 edition of American daily newspaper, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, shows a person holding open a book with a recipe, which is allegedly an exact copy of Pemberton’s. The recipe is said to contain the precise amount of all the different oils needed to create Merchandise 7X, Coca-Cola’s secret ingredient.

Even though Merchandise 7X makes up only one percent of the drink’s formula, the key ingredient is believed to give one of the world’s most popular soft drink its unique taste. The official recipe is allegedly guarded 24-hours a day in a vault in Atlanta, Georgia.

Here is the ‘secret recipe’:

•Fluid extract of Coca 3 drams USP
•Citric acid 3 oz
•Caffeine 1oz
•Sugar 30 (it is unclear from the markings what quantity is required)
•Water 2.5 gal
•Lime juice 2 pints 1 qrt
•Vanilla 1oz
•Caramel 1.5oz or more to colour
•7X flavour (use 2oz of flavour to 5 gals syrup):
•Alcohol 8oz
•Orange oil 20 drops
•Lemon oil 30 drops
•Nutmeg oil 10 drops
•Coriander 5 drops
•Neroli 10 drops
•Cinnamon 10 drops

I haven't drunk Coca-Cola or Pepsi for while now, they aren't exactly conducive to a diabetics diet, although I can remember back in my youth noticing a distinct difference between the two. I am also old enough to remember the excitement of trying to discover whether the rumour about getting high by drinking Coca-Cola whilst chewing an aspirin was true or myth. I've posted before, either here or on Span's blog, about the exploitation of child labour in Central American countries by the purveyors of these drinks and to be honest I think that's far more important than the recipe and its authenticity, but sometimes you have to be at the table to enjoy the feeding frenzy.

I'm licking my lips at the prospect of KFC's authentic recipe becoming public knowledge any day soon, closely followed by the reason why Burger King burgers taste like underlay and McDonalds milkshakes are so thick that is possible to induce a cerebral aneurysm simply by trying to suck some of the gelatinous gum based beverage through a straw.


Span Ows said...

Orange oil...I will post this and link...very good. I love Coke...and will post a picture of my fridge to prove it!

Span Ows said...

P.S. You mentioned it "at my place" I think, plus of course the Coca Cola's government and union manipulation including reported disappearances etc.

Paul said...

Thanks for the comments and the link.

A Northern Bloke said...

Funny should mention it, Paul, but a few weeks ago I did actually clean a component of our dishwasher with Coke!

Span Ows said...'ve been a very naughty boy

Paul said...

That's brilliant Shy - proof that some urban myths are true.

I saw that as well Span, I hope the person responsible doesn't get into too much trouble.

A Northern Bloke said...

I'm reliably informed that the acid in Coca Cola can deal with the calcium carbonate but isn't strong enough to damage the machine. It did actually work but, I suspect, Calgon would've been better.

Span Ows said...

I'm reliably informed that the acid in Coca Cola can deal with the calcium carbonate but isn't strong enough to damage the machine.

...which is pretty much exactly the same as in a human body.