It's PC World Gone Mad
The British media is veering between tumescence and hyper ventilation this morning as stories of the big winners and big losers in the 2012 Olympic ticket fiasco are dragged kicking and screaming to face the meeja. Some poor bugger who couldn't help tapping away at his keyboard has managed to rack up £11,000 of tickets, apparently though he could have been landed with a credit card transaction of between £26 - 36,000 if all his choices had been successful.
It does of course beg the question what sort of system is in place when one person can be 'awarded' so many tickets whilst others who have scrimped, saved, worked extra hours etc for that one chance in a lifetime have been given nada.
Apparently 95% of the ticket applications were from the U.K, presumably not from this one person, which means that the old Labour governments promise of a £2bn windfall for London from overseas ticket sales is going to be proved horribly wrong. The remaining tickets will have to generate £6,600 per overseas visitor if that figure is to be reached, now I know hotels in London can be expensive in the summer and it's difficult to get a taxi to go south of the river after dark but it's a bit much to ask isn't it. Of course given the prices for events at Wembley (£10 for a pie and a beer last Saturday anybody?) UEFA could be asked to fix the prices for the food concessionaires, that way the 'shortfall' will be made up.
Oh dear...another fine mess...
Bonkers isn't it.
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