Saturday, June 04, 2011

Poisonous Fish Welcomed By Select Members Club

No, not a reference to Gordon Brown , although he's a snake not a fish, but the news that fugu or Japanese puffer fish, a delicacy supposedly so exquisite as potentially toxic, will soon be on the menu of  private club for gourmets or should that be gormless in London.

The puffer fish cannot be sold in the EU, which seems strange seeing as its easy to buy Spanish cucumbers, Dutch Cheese or English milk which have all had their problems this week, but in this case we know the fish is poisonous all the time. However, the new Fugu Supper Club is seeking to circumvent the ban by offering it to its members who can register their interest on the Inteweb.

An idea of how toxic this fish is comes from the facts that not only do licensed chefs have to pass two years of theoretical and practical examinations, in London there are two fully qualified chefs, but that the fish has actually killed, through its poison, around 40 people. It has to be said though that most of those deaths were Japanese fishermen who were eating their own catch, presumably as part of their preparation for the Darwin Awards.

Anyway the fish has enough poison in its body kill thirty adults, just hope when that notification e-mail comes through that your ticket is number thirty one!


Span Ows said...

Interesting stuff. That said I'm not sure I would taste it becasue I simply don't believe the taste would be THAT excuisite as to warrant the danger. A bit like 1000 quid a bottle wine, WHY, when 50, 20, 10 and 5 quid bottles are fine?

Now, if Big Mac's were toxic...

Span Ows said...

P.S...3 hour later: thanks for the link! In fact the Northern Brown's expenses are quite low compared to the average but he's still not worth it!

Paul said...

You've bought a £50 bottle of wine, I'm impressed!