Saturday, July 16, 2011

It Makes You Think A Bit

16th July is Fish Dependence Day in the UK, it's the day that fish stocks would run out if we relied solely (no pun intended) on catching fish from British waters to sustain our fishy cravings. Of course we don't rely on home fished fish, we get them from all over the world, what is worrying is that last year Fish Dependence Day fell on 3rd August, go back to 1995 and it fell in the second half of September.


Span Ows said...

Worrying indeed. It would be interesting to see the backward progression i.e. in the 60s would it have been October/November given that back then there was less money, less global food trade etc. Having been away I've missed out on having the time to this sort of good snippet...that's why there has only been a few ranty political posts on my blog and mainly straight from elsewhere.

Paul said...

And yet if you go back to the middle ages Fish was the main currency across Northern Europe despite there been plentiful supplies.

'Good snippet' - that's a good comment.