Monday, April 23, 2012

23rd April

I can't think of another country that plays down its national Saint's Day as much as the English do with St George's Day on 23rd April. I don't know whether it is something to do with the stereotypically reticent English attitude to self aggrandisement or whether it is down to the constant stream of 'non-stories' that have proliferated in the tabloid press over the years regarding the display of the English flag or health and safety concerns in respect of Morris Dancing on the sabbath.

I also suspect that part of it is to do with the fact that most English people seem to have a sense of identity, despite the constant 'who are the English?' type or questions that fill the long dark hours of radio phone-ins.

1 comment:

The Great Gildersleeve said...

You're right of course, I'm afraid it passed me by(I might have an excuse this year, sadly but it hardly gets a mention. I'm not sure what we are supposed to do on the day but something should be, I guess...