Thursday, April 05, 2012

Beyond Stupid

I am not a fan of Janet Daley and I'm not really a fan of Ken Livingstone either but how does a journalist get away with being able to publish such rubbish when her own newspaper has the correct information?

How has she managed to arrive at these figures? when the correct figures are linked to?

Mind you even with thirty five years in the profession I'm unable to explain or understand the concept of 'Corporation Tax paid on Dividends' as that concept disappeared from view about fifteen years ago.


Span Ows said...

Not so much stupid as, you're right! :-) Mind you look at 10 different media outlets and you'll get 10 different figures (same with any story involving numbers).

Mind you, Ken is the bigger liar, and hypocrite and a lot more besides.

Paul said...

I agree about Ken.

Most confusing article was the one by Andrew Gilligan when the story broke which was just full of assumptions and very misleading.