Monday, December 02, 2013

Phew! That was close

I cancelled my subscription to Time magazine back in the summer so I can honestly say I did not vote for Miss Miley Cyrus when it came to the Time 'Person Of The Year' poll for 2013.

Okay, no need to panic out there if you still have the chance to vote because the poll hasn't closed yet but given the names of some of the people who have appeared in the magazine this year and as one of its lapsed subscribers I am shocked at the voting.  Time points out that the final choice of recipient lays with its editors, and that their readers’ poll does not necessarily determine the winner of the title.

I have nothing against Miley Cyrus, she's a pop star and pop stars do what they have to do to be noticed, whether that's taking drugs or licking builders tools (no sniggering at the back) whilst only dressed in their underwear. Being of a certain age and having a daughter of a similar age it is actually difficult to have an opinion on her without sounding like a perv, this dichotomy was best summed up by one of our office decorators back in October who said, "I love 'Wrecking Ball' or at least I would love it if somebody older was singing it".

Anyway Miley Cyrus currently has 24% of the readership vote, putting her comfortably ahead of a couple of politicians Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan (15.7%) and Indian politician and prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi (14.8%).

I actually like some of things that the Turkish PM has said this year, particularly his countries commitment to F1 (yes I can do shallow) and the Football European Championships when he said that he would authorise the building of new stadia on the European side of the Bosporus if it meant that the 2020 tournament could be awarded to his country.

If Miley Cyrus does win she will follow a list that includes a fairly eclectic bunch:  Cory Aquino (1986), Adolf Hitler (1938), Josef Stalin (1939 and 1942) Nikita Khrushchev (1957), Charles Lindbergh (1927) and our own Queen (1952) - although even the Queen's nomination and award seems a little strange in retrospect as she appears to have won an award simply because she lost her father and became Queen. 

Something tells me that perhaps this year polling has been a little on the slow side!


Span Ows said...

Sounds like an online 'attack' of votes as happens when any group (usually lefties and/or greenies) want to appear 'to win' a debate, organised groups of contacts sending the link round etc. Not sure how the Time one works but I'm more surprised Erdogan has 15%! The time with Miley is that she is flavour of the month and as a sleb has to take that wave and ride it unfortunately I get the feeling she is very close to being another Lindsay Lohan so let down by her 'friends' and family.

A Northern Bloke said...

That photo reminds me of Benny Hill. It just needs the right kind of glasses.

Paul said...

I think you are right Span - it has been a co-ordinated effort.

I doubt she's ever been likened to Benny Hill Shy!

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