Wednesday, April 23, 2014

I can see clearly now

Having wanted to go to the Isle of Wight for years now but always put off by the cost - £96 return by car from Lymington to Yarmouth - I was pleased, nay delighted, to see that fares had come down to £20.75 single, including the Easter weekend and the up and coming May bank holiday weekend.

I duly completed the booking form, registered as a member, printed out the tickets and then realised I had made an ever so slight mistake - the tickets were for foot passengers and the car return was still £96.

What fascinated me though was that on the bottom of the ticket was a strip that you were instructed to fold in half (one half the outward journey the other half the return) and 'put in your windscreen'. Obviously foot passengers must prepare themselves for the south westerly blowing between the island and the mainland by carrying a piece of glass. 


Span Ows said...

There's a joke in there somewhere but it escapes me...

Span Ows said...

Thanks for popping in earlier, not even sure if you see the comments here any more (multiple spam!) but best wishes for Christmas and the New Year.

I haven't heard any anti Big Sam singing lately, funny that! :-)

Paul said...

Thanks Span - having problems with the Spam!

oakleyses said...
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