Young Love
As I've mentioned before, my office is close to the local schools. Opposite my office, and in such a position that I only have to sit up straight to see it, is a seat (one of those street benches) and every morning a young lady, I'd say 14 or 15, gets there at just after 8:15 and waits for her boyfriend to turn up at just before 8:30.
It's quite touching in its way. I don't know there names or where they live but five mornings a week they pass through my life.
There are quite a few people who I see at the same place at the same time, in fact I can tell if I'm not going to make the office by eight o'clock by the position of some people walking or driving to work - sad isn't it?
I'm starting to feel like Amelie, living my life through observing others - I must stop!
Must be something in the air. I had to go to the hospital today and as I walked through the town and then up the canal towpath I was struck by the number of young lovers holding hands, canoodling and kissing.
It's not sad noticing things like at all. I've done it all my life and I know whether I am late or early on the school walk by the various positions of people I pass on the way up there.
Watch you don't get cuaght...they'll call you a perv for spying on them! (en broma!) ...reminds me of when we overlooked a girls grammar school when I lived in Bristol...but that's another story :-)
I was going to make a perving comment but our resident chief perve beat me to it!
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