When it rains.............just hope Steve Mclaren isn't unfolding the brolly

Another day and a new tungsten tipped dart hits the target on Gordy's forehead. We've had the disks, we've had DEFRA's unusually high overnight staff allowances, we've had Northern Rock and we've got £650,000 to hand back because the donation process was abused. Gordon Brown is suffering from No.2 syndrome, no I don't mean he has problems in the bowel area, I mean he's displaying all the symptoms of somebody who has stepped out of the shadows into the glare of being number one. Blimey, I've swallowed the Boys Big Book of Cliches! Carlos Querroz, Steve McLaren, Bryan Robson, Gordon Brown - all fairly good at watching the back of the boss but not quite worldly enough to carry the job themselves.
I don't know what the answer is with political donations, people give them for a variety of reasons. At grass roots level they are given by the party faithful as a contribution to a fighting fund or war chest ideal that dates from after WW2, further up the economic chain they are seen as 'looking after the chaps' to borrow from Sir Humphrey in Yes Minister. You pays your money and you get (hopefully) something in return. That's the reality of a lot of politics from top to bottom but we still cling to the hope that politicians are above being bought whilst at the same time accepting that bribery of some sort is bound to happen in any society, whether that society is 'open' or 'closed' is largely irrelevant.
What you have to say is that given the amount of time that the Labour party spent, when in opposition, on highlighting every tawdry aspect of the Conservative party's sleaze fest it was inevitable that so much joy should be displayed as each apple of bad luck falls from the tree of incompetence onto Gordy's head. We still haven't equalised yet though have we?
Hmm, I think you're right. We haven't equalised yet, have we? I think there's some way to go before Labour can emulate Tory sleaze stalwarts like Jonathon Aitken and Allan Clarke. Wasn't Allan Clarke "seeing to" a woman and her daughter at point?
Those were days, eh?
His name is "Alan" Clarke and he was alleged to have had an affairs with a woman and her TWO daughters.
In for a penny, in for a pound. (As it were!)
He must have been some stud muffin, or perhaps they just liked his huge intellect!
Is thsi a joke...are you two saying this to wind us (me!) up? Labour Sleaze overtook the Tory sleaze about 4 years ago! Even if we're just talking numbers of 'incidents' then they're still miles ahead (total...in half the time...) but if you're talking the type of incidents then NL are premier League to the Conservatives just about getting promotion from the Conference! Shytalk, you coming from the rank and 'institutionally corrupt' Labour north should know that!
You upset me so much I went away and posted about it!
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