Oh Ye of Little Faith

Some, not all, Arsenal fans ought to take a look at the Premiership table tonight and consider (a) the position of Tottenham and (b) the position of Arsenal. Perhaps then they will realise how stupid they look and sound calling for Arsene Wenger to resign following the draw with Spuds during the week and the defeat at Stoke today.
There are fourteen clubs in the Premiership who would gladly take this man as their manager tomorrow. He hasn't just transformed the league from top to bottom off the field but he has led to a massive improvement in the entertainment quota from Arsenal, gone are the dark days of George Graham and 1-0 to Arsenal. I'm sure what alarmed a lot of Arsenal supporters on Wednesday night were his comments after the game at the Emirates when Arsenal really did throw away a two goal advantage in two minutes, he said the team were naive for not trying to win 5 or 6-2. I actually thought he was the reason that they didn't go on and win 6-2 because he made three defensive minded substitutions towards the end. Anyway, that's by the bye, Arsenal are producing some quality football this season and apart from a couple of matches: Hull City at home and Stoke City today they have generally been the better side in all their games. We are talking here about a side that had a midfield with an average age of 22 going to Turkey ten days ago and winning 5-2!
I know Wenger can be a Mr. Magoo sometimes when it comes to seeing the shortcomings of his own team but to call for the head of a manager who displays so much intelligence, wit and, for the most part, humility combined with one of the most astute footballing brains ever to grace our league is plain stupid.
As an aside I loved Ray Parlours comments on Goals on Sunday last weekend when he said that Arsene Wenger was probably the kindest and most intelligent man he had ever met but that he completely lacks any common sense - the story of Wenger taking the football out of the onion bag and then getting stuck in the net was hilarious.
So come on, some of you, Arsenal fans, if you want to see how bad things could really be look down the Seven Sisters Road at that shower and have a bit of respect.
So, Ray Parlour is still in circulation. I wondered what had happened to him after a big divorce settlement roughly coincided with his exit from top level football.
I said something similar earlier today when you replied to my Obama post (the Arsenal bit!) Not really Arsenal fans - they should just look at the Arsenal record before and after AW's arrival.
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