Murdoch Scum at it again

Politicians might not have them, journalists most certainly don't have them but loyal voters do - it's called a conscience. Having suddenly found herself at the centre of a media scrum Mrs Duffy has allegedly turned down a £30,000 offer from The Sun newspaper which in turn was lower than the original amount offered because she wasn't prepared to have words put in her mouth and rubbish the person who had privately rubbished her.
The Daily Mail were apparently keen at one point to go as high as £75,000 but good old Mrs Duffy she wasn't prepared to go along with the anti-Brown scam.
Sorry to go on about my guardian comments but yesterday morning I posted the following:
Can I ask all those who were slagging off Mrs Duffy in very strong and nasty language what they feel now that it has been revealed she refused the Sun's money if it meant slagging off Brown? It seems to me that if more politicians were like Mrs Duffy the UK wouldn't be up shit creek.
There were reams of comments with insults galore (trying to defend Brown)
P.S. "scum"..."scam"...? Come on Paul. What she did was not 'sell' her story showiung admirable principles, not bad for a 'bigot'!
Of course they wanted anti-Brown ammo but that doesn't mean they're scum. They can put words in her mouth anyway and it doesn't mean it's a scam. Just muck racking.
The scum reference wasn't just to this story but it came on the back of the revelation that the two editors of the Sun also went to the Independent offices and threatened the editor for the 'Murdoch won't win this election - You will' poster campaign.
Seems the Sun don't like the minority papers having their say.
Funny, isn't it? Prime Minister meets ordinary voter. His popularity drops and she comes out of it all very favourably.
As for The Sun... ... I can remember their antics just before Russel Harty died. Yes, they are scum.
It appears the story is in the Mail on Sunday.
Oh bugger!
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