Monday, March 07, 2011

Let the hostilities commence......well, when we are ready.

The document exchange for the Employment Tribunal Hearing have taken place and it has to be said there has been some creative writing by the other side. It's obvious that the notes, despite purporting to have been taken contemporaneously, have been cobbled together at the last possible minute. They are rambling to say the least and the dates and events noted are far removed from the reality, one example being a meeting apparently took place with me present, despite the fact that I was in Cornwall at the time on holiday!

The hearing date suggested last week has been postponed, due to the fact that two of the witnesses, including myself, are away on holiday at the time. An application for postponement had to be made including evidence that we were actually away and not just saying we wouldn't be available for the sake of it.

It's a strange case because on the face of it there is no link between two events the claimant is suggesting were responsible for him losing his job unfairly rather than being dismissed (as redundancy is termed).

We should hear the new hearing date in the next week or so, personally I'd like it sooner rather than later so the whole office can forget about it and move on.


Span Ows said...

Good luck. Is it all going to get dirty because he wants revenge or because he can't get other employment? Sometimes you have to wonder why some people don't let sleeping dogs lie.

A Northern Bloke said...

About 20 of us are taking our former employer to Tribunal. Our case is such that a barrister agreed to do it on a "no win, no fee" basis. The reason we're doing it is because we genuinely believe that the company acted illegally in that statutory procedures were not properly followed and, as a result, we're all a couple of months pay down on the deal.

Paul said...

It's getting dirty because he wants revenge, his evidence includes a lot of material which suggests he was 'spying' on some members of the staff for several months. None of his arguments actually stand up to scrutiny but a three person panel might see it differently at the hearing.

Shy - good luck with your case.