Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Easy Money

Somebody was commenting the other week that Accountants are the cleverest people around, they've taken the very basic human skill of adding and subtracting and made a career out of it. Well I'd like to add anybody who works on the Forex markets to that small group after my experience this week.

Knowing that I'd only be some twenty minutes from Denmark during my stay in Germany I thought I'd take the opportunity of popping over the dotted line on the map, spending some Krone and then nipping back. Unfortunately at 9 a.m on the morning I visited it Padborg only had one bakery and one supermarket to offer and as I had already eaten I returned to Germany with my 400 Dk (£50) intact.

Now the sensible thing to have done would have been to change the currency to Euros whilst on holiday but I didn't think of that, after all holidays should be a break from sensible thinking, instead I changed it back at Sainsburys in the UK and my 400 Dk that had cost me £50 eleven days earlier was now worth only £42. I had suffered a 15% reduction in the value of my currency on exchange!

As an aside it was interesting to hear the thoughts over the weekend about amending the cross border regulations due to the influx of people from North Africa being waved through Italy with all the rights of EU citizens. Travelling across various borders between Holland, Germany, Denmark, Belgium and France it's noticeable that in many cases the old customs buildings still exist as do the areas of no mans land between the various countries and I really do miss the old passport stamp.


Span Ows said...

Careful what you wish for! With eth EU making "immigration" noises those buildings could yet come to be used again!

Re exchanging money, don't feel too bad! I tend to avoid it but sometimes have to exchange cash - last month changing the few thousand Colombian Pesos I had left into Venezuelan Bolivares Fuertes I lost 50% (my fault entirely for not using the "unofficial" exchangers and it was only 12 euros worth of loss but it still pissed me off!)

Paul said...

One of the great joys of travel guides is the paragraph that says something like, "you may get a better rate if you use one of the many unofficial exchange bureau." How does that work? Well obviously the banks official rates are so profitable anybody get make money!

Span Ows said...

well well!

"Denmark has suspended the Schengen treaty and re-introduced controls at its borders with Germany and Sweden. It was announced by the country's Finance Minister, Claus Hjort Frederiksen."

Is this true? Haven't seen it anywhere.