Tuesday, February 14, 2012

It's not all bad

Current work pressures and a database rebuilding project in my 'spare time' means that posting on here is something of a luxury at the moment, however I wanted to share something before I forgot about it.

Part of our audit brief is to review employers handbooks and contracts of employment, with regards to the former the most recent piece of important legislation is the Bribery Act 2010, which came into force on 1st July 2011, it is one of those wonderful pieces of nonsense that assumes we are all children who don't know wrong from right. Anyway reading through different companies handbooks isn't the most exciting of tasks, they all contain pretty much the same thing with a few 'local' variances. My favourite, as I have mentioned before, is the line that states, "Men shall not attend the workplace in clothes designed to be worn by women," however this week I have found a new favourite. On the penultimate page of one company's handbook there is a section headed "Refreshments," beneath which is the following line: "Tea, coffee and cold drinks are free. The company, at its discretion, provides a 'bun' every Friday morning."

How good is that, your employer agreeing to provide a bun for you on a Friday.

This company isn't alone though and although I haven't seen it noted in any contracts of employment or handbooks I do know that we have various clients who provide toast, cheese on toast, ice creams and cadbury's creme eggs to their staff.


A Northern Bloke said...

At Jacobs, if there was a lunchtime seminar lunch was provided. They used to have pies and stuff but then they went healthy and it was bits of carrot with various dips etc.

Then they made us redundant which was probably even less healthy than eating pies! :-)

Span Ows said...

Now things are spooky: I definitely posted here! Anyway, my enlightened comment was that would a breach of contract case ensue if the company failed/forgot/refused to supply a bun one week?

Also, good luck with the databaszzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Paul said...

I love the idea of pies!

That's good lateral thinking Span and thanks for the encouragement, I need it.